Asset Allocation ChartAt Fortius we believe that investing should be based on a simple approach: defining your needs, defining your timeframe and defining your tolerance for risk. This concept of “Asset Allocation” serves as the foundation of our strategy, and is utilized to provide maximum returns while remaining focused on our investors’ stated goals and managing risk.

Our investment managers utilize their years of experience alongside established investment techniques to achieve the desired results. We recognize that an investment plan should not be defined by what stock or bond is owned but rather how much of the portfolio is allocated to various asset classes. A fundamental justification for asset allocation is the notion that different asset classes offer returns that are not perfectly correlated; hence creating a diversified portfolio of assets that reduces the overall risk.

At Fortius, we are about more than the investment. We are intent on getting to know our clients as individuals. We believe that having an intimate knowledge of a client’s hopes and dreams allows us to better assist them in achieving their goals. We pride ourselves on our responsiveness and extend our services to just about any area of a person’s financial lives. Lastly, we consider the relationships we form with people to be the foundation of our company and the long standing nature of these relationships to be the measure of our service.